
Digital design & marketing

We are a boutique digital agency dedicated to building a community around your brand. We help you communicate, with attentive design, compelling stories and entertaining videos. Our expertise lies in brand identity design, web development and content marketing.

Meet the dynamic duo behind our success. Pete is an experienced brand strategist and digital designer with a stack of creative ideas sketched on a big iPad. Clare is a talented wordsmith and communicator with an eye for detail, an aptitude for organising, and a densely-packed notebook.

Pete Wilkins

Pete Wilkins

Creative Director
Clare Burkhill-Howarth

Clare Burkhill-Howarth

Content Manager

This is what we do.

Web development

Your website serves as the heart of your online presence — a dynamic hub that acts as your brochure, store, showcase, sales pitch, service directory, and support centre all in one. Pete’s expertise lies in crafting fluid and intuitive customer journeys to, within, and from your website, while Clare organises your content into persuasive narratives. Together we ensure that every visitor can efficiently achieve their goals.

Brand identity design

Your brand extends beyond words and symbols. It embodies a commitment — a commitment to exceptional products, top-notch services, and a core set of values. Your brand name and identity represent something meaningful and Pete is skilled at translating your values into a striking visual design with a clear set of guidelines. This will ensure your brand is recognisable, memorable and distinct within your sector.

Content marketing

You’re passionate about what you do, and naturally, you want to share it with the world. However, the demands of maintaining a consistent online presence with timely updates in words, photos, graphics and videos can be overwhelming. That’s where we step in, to provide the support you need: Pete designs your campaign strategy and assets while Clare composes your messaging into a schedule of blogs, posts and newsletters.

Recent case studies.

Life under our umbrella.

The full range of services.

Brand identity design

Logos, fonts, colours, and a set of style guidelines that resonate with your values and stand out from the crowd.

Website design

Responsive and targeted WordPress websites with efficient customer journeys and effective calls to action.

Social media content

Organised, scheduled and measurable — our collaborative approach creates engagement and delegates the workload.

Graphic design

We build trust and credibility by translating your brand messages into high-quality marketing materials for digital and print.

Email newsletters

The humble email newsletter — done properly, still the most direct, personal and inexpensive way to talk to your clients.

Video production

We’re great at producing fast, high-quality / low-budget videos for social — often with you and your team in a starring role!


A consistent set of staff headshots for your website, or stunning product photography — we’ve got that covered.

Search integration

Our websites index perfectly in Google, with a business profile, meaningful page titles and persuasive descriptions.

Website & email hosting

We manage all the techy stuff so you can get on with running your business — reliable, secure and user-friendly.

Get your ducks in a row.

Talk to us about your project.

Our creative director Pete would love to talk to you about your brand, share his experience and ideas, and work towards new collaborations.

Video with Active Against Cancer

Pete is an experienced brand strategist and marketeer, with a background in graphic design and web development. He founded illumanize in 2008 with a plan to illuminate audiences and humanize brands (get it?) from a wide range of sectors. Since then he has worked with national museums, high-profile authors, eco construction companies, the NHS, hotel groups, retailers, restaurants, gyms, and academic societies.

If you would like Pete to take a look at your brand online before starting a conversation, please complete the form and he’ll take a look.
